Artists You've slogged it out and never quite had that break right ? you still can't believe you're still not selling enough CDs. Maybe you've tried building your own website or putting your music up on or IUMA, or any one of the others, but although people are downloading your tunes you're still not SELLING enough ! Well............... YOU CAN ! If you honestly think you're good enough (and we have a STRICT A&R policy !) then we'll help you SELL WORLDWIDE ! We have an ever growing list of e-mail addresses for people that are waiting to hear and BUY your style of music ! If your style of music is one that fits a profile from our list of A&R contacts then we'll put you under their noses too ! so..... how much you ask..... for this service ? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that's right !..... nada, zilch, zip. too good to be true ? - it ain't !
New Music Fans You're into new music and discovering acts and being there before anyone else right ? Your favourite bands have gone a bit safe and predictable and maybe even a bit dull ? You've tried all the unsigned bands' mp3 sites and spent hours trawling through sub standard demos. What if you could save all that wasted time and money and have the best fresh new talent just dropping into your e-mail box, for FREE ? Well..... NOW YOU CAN ! You'll set up a detailed profile of your musical tastes and when, and ONLY WHEN, an exciting band fits your profile we'll send you a link for a FREE preview and a chance to buy at a special low low price PRIOR to its release! Yep ! CHEAPER than the release price and UPFRONT of the release date and sent directly to you wherever you are in the world ! Our policy is STRICTLY quality and not quantity so you may not hear from us for a while, but when you do you'll be glad you did !
A&R People Somewhere in your head there's a perfect act. You know what the right credentials are and you know the music, although the most important, is not the only neccesary factor. You're always pushed for time and those big unsigned bands sites are well..... very time consuming and maybe just a bit frustrating ? How about if someone could tip you off with fresh, professional acts that precisely fitted your detailed description and just dropped them in your e-mail in box ? Well..... WE CAN ! We have a multitude of experience in the music industry and KNOW there's some brilliant undiscovered acts waiting for their chance ! NOW through the power of the internet the mechanism is here ! We have the STRICTEST A&R policy and only acts that EXACTLY fit the bill will be tipped off to you. Best of all this will cost you NOTHING ! You will have no commitment or obligation to our company whatsoever.